PARSE Software Device in an established Research and and Development
organization in Canada and the Author of two books about QNX and QNX/Neutrino.
Book "Getting Started with QNX4" - A Guide for Realtime Programmers
Book "Getting Started with Neutrino 2" - A Guide for Realtime Programmers
lower prices by quantities in DM: =>2: DM 120,-/ea =>5: DM 115,-/ea =>10: DM 110,-/ea

Getting Started with QNX4 A Guide for Realtime Programmers(285 pages, price reduced)
49,00 € Weight 0.5 kg
Getting Started with Neutrino 2-A Guide for Realtime Programmers(470 pages, price reduced)
49,00 € Weight 0.8 kg
The QNX Cookbook-Recipes for Programmers(429 pages, price reduced)
49,00 € Weight 0.8 kg