Soarland+HEXIN Technology, Ltd.
Soarland & Hexin Technology Ltd is a company of high technology specializing in research, development, manufacturing and sales of adapters and converters with service after sales integrated. The main products are:
CF Card Adapters
SD Card Adapters
ZIF CE Adapters
Mini-PCI Adapters
PCI PCI-E Riser Cards
JAE-Slim CD Adapters
3.5 IDE-2.5 to Toshiba 1.8" Hard Drive(ipod, toshiba)
SCSI 80-pin to SCSI / 68-pin / IDC 50-pin Adapters
PCMCIA Cardbus Adapters
Diagnostic Debug Cards
Communication Products:
- Serial Converters
- Serial Device Servers
- USB to Serial Converters
- Vedio Converters
- Optoelectronic Isolators
- Lighting Arresters
Computer Adapers:
- PCI / PCI-X / PCI-E Series
- USB / FireWire 1394 Series
- Serial / Parallel Series
- SATA / IDE Series
!!! all with -D or D2 remarked Products are double in other categories!!!
min. order quantity are 10 pcs

CF Card Adapters
SD Card Adapters
ZIF CE Adapters
Mini-PCI Adapters
PCI PCI-E Riser Cards
JAE-Slim CD Adapters
3.5 IDE-2.5 to Toshiba 1.8" Hard Drive(ipod, toshiba)
SCSI 80-pin to SCSI / 68-pin / IDC 50-pin Adapters
PCMCIA Cardbus Adapters
Diagnostic Debug Cards
Communication Products:
- Serial Converters
- Serial Device Servers
- USB to Serial Converters
- Vedio Converters
- Optoelectronic Isolators
- Lighting Arresters
Computer Adapers:
- PCI / PCI-X / PCI-E Series
- USB / FireWire 1394 Series
- Serial / Parallel Series
- SATA / IDE Series
!!! all with -D or D2 remarked Products are double in other categories!!!
min. order quantity are 10 pcs