HOWTOs Part 3
- Using Input to access Touch Screens in QNX Windows
- Using the SMBfsys to access MS-Windows shared resources
Input Touch Screen through QNX Windows
Touch doesn't provide particularly comprehensive support for Touch Screens. The newer Input, as used with Photon, provides a much broader support for Touch Screen devices. The trick is to use Input to communicate with the underlying hardware and to interface this to Touch to provide the events required by QNX Windows. Hopefully, this archive will help some way towards that. The files in this directory need to be moved as follows. (It might be a good idea to make backups of your originals)
Input | /bin/Input |
Touch.input | /bin/Touch |
TCalib.32 | /bin/TCalib.32 |
Mouse | /bin/Mouse |
Once this has been done you'll need to run the following:
Mouse &
To start the Mouse server for use with QNX Windows.
Input -d/dev/mousein ps2 -r kb -2 &
Start an Input driver to talk to a PS2 mouse but use the mousein File Descriptor to communicate to the Mouse server with. This is required for use with QNX Windows.
Touch &
Start the Touch Screen server for use with QNX Windows.
Input -d/dev/touchin intellitch elo &
Start an Input driver which will access an Intellitouch screen and communicate with Touch via it's File Descriptor interface. For a look at which drivers are supported type
use Input
/windows/bin/gr.vga &
Start the QNX Windows graphics driver in order for the calibration program to run.
Follow the instructions on screen to calibrate the Touch Screen with your graphics card. Once this is complete have a play with some of the other options:-) When you are finished exit this program and enter:
to start QNX Windows in the normal way.
Click HERE to download the drivers and utilities mentioned in this note (approx 92K). The archive can be extracted using the following command:
melt -c tqw.tar.F | tar -xv
The files will be extracted into a directory called tqw in your current working directory.
Compiled by Richard Copeman.
How To Access Resources of a Windows 95 Computer From QNX Using Smbfsys
There are many cases when it is handy to access resources on another computer connected to the network. Now it is possible with QNX to access resources on a Windows 95 computer. These detailed step-by-step instructions will help you to configure the systems to do this. You will set up the sharing access permissions on the Windows 95 system so its resources can be accessed and run SMBfsys to mount the remote Windows 95 resources for the QNX computer.You need:
- QNX and Windows 95 computers connected on the same network.
- For the QNX computer, QNX version 4.23A or later and TCP/IP 4.23A or later.
- The other computer should have Windows 95 installed.
- This document does not discuss installation and configuration of TCP/IP, which must be already installed and configured on both computers.
Set Sharing Permissions For The Windows 95 Resources:
If you already share the resources with other Windows 95 computers, most of this will be already done. Follow these instructions to verify the names and passwords.- Select Control Panel, Network, Configuration, File & Print Sharing.
- Put a check mark in both the files and printers boxes as desired and click OK.
- Select TCP/IP->Ethernet Adapter with the mouse, then click Properties.
- Make a note of the IP Address of the computer, then click Cancel.
- Select the Network tab Access Control. Choose the access control method you desire.
- Select the Network tab Identification.
- Enter a Computer Name and make a note of it (The Workgroup is not used by the QNX connection, but should probably be changed to something other than WORKGROUP, to make it more difficult for others to access the computer via the Internet, if connected.)
- Click OK to close the Network dialog.
- If you have made any changes, you will need to reboot now.
- Open My Computer.
- Position the mouse over Drive C and click the right mouse button.
- Select Sharing.
- Choose Share As.
- Enter a name into Share Name and make a note of it.
- Select Read-Only or Full Access as desired and enter a password.
- Make a note of the password too.
- If you wish to access the CD-ROM drive, repeat the same procedure for it.
- Click OK.
- If you wish to access printers, double-click the Printers icon to open it.
- Repeat the procedure for the printers you wish to access.
- Unless you want to, it is not necessary to protect the printer with a password.
Check The TCP/IP Connectivity:
If TCP/IP is incorrectly configured, the following instructions will not work. On the Windows 95 computer, go to an MS-DOS command prompt and type:
ping <ip_address_of_QNX_computer>You should get messages of Reply from, including a time in ms. Press Control-C to stop. On the QNX computer, type:
ping <ip_address_of_Windows95_computer>You should see similar messages. Press Control-C to stop. If you received error messages, such as Request timed out, you will need to properly configure the TCP/IP on one or both machines before you continue.
Mount The Windows 95 Resources On The QNX Computer:
As root, create a script to execute the following commands. Items in triangle brackets should be substituted with the actual values noted when the Windows 95 computer was configured. Do not type the triangle brackets. Do not key in the comments on the right. You can create the script with a text editor. It may be most convenient to do this in a directory that is included in the search $PATH.
#! /bin/sh This should be the first line of each script # Mount Windows 95 Resources SMBfsys -d20 & -d is idle disconnect time in minutes sleep 1 user_smb <windows_network_login_name> < windows_network_login_password> mount_smb -mu //<comp_name>:<ip_address>/<disk_c_name> /w95diskc <disk_c_passwd> mount_smb -mu //<comp_name>:<ip_address>/<cdrom_name> /w95cdrom <cdrom_passwd> mount_smb -p //<comp_name>:<ip_address>/<prt_name> /dev/w95prt <prt_passwd>
For an actual example, assume the identification name of the computer is GATES and its IP Address is Its drive C share name is DISKC and password is cpass and it will be mounted as directory /diskc. Its CD-ROM share name is CDROM, no password (blank), which will be mounted as /cdrom. Its printer share name is HP6P and has no password. It will be mounted as /dev/hp6p. The Windows Network Login name is bill and his password is rich. So the example script, called mount_w95 would be:
#! /bin/sh # Mount Windows 95 Resources SMBfsys -d20 & sleep 1 user_smb bill rich mount_smb -mu //GATES: /diskc cpass mount_smb -mu //GATES: /cdrom mount_smb -p //GATES: /dev/hp6p
For testing, add a line in the script after the /bin/sh line:
set -xThis will display each line of the script as it executes. Save the file and exit. The permissions of the text file need to be changed so that it can be executed as a command. Type:
chmod 700 mount_w95This script must be run by root.
Run your script. At this point you can type ls /diskc and see a directory listing of the root directory of drive C of the Windows 95 computer. If everything works as expected, remove the set -x line from the script. If you wish to set access on the per QNX user basis, remove the user_smb line from the script and have each user run it individually. You could add it to their $HOME/.profile. If a password is not included, the user will be prompted for it.
You will likely want to modify the QNX spooler to copy data to the new device. Depending on the printer and the application that creates the print data, you may want to use a control program to append a form feed to eject the page at the end.
Special thanks to Jeff Page ( for this document.