One fits all. Hilscher CIF cards offer access to field bus systems as:
ASI,CANopen, ControlNet, DeviceNet, InterBus, ModConnect, ProfiBus, SDS (System Distributed System) etc. with a single driver implementation!
This simplifies things dramatically on two levels:
rchange cards freely without changing the way you access the driver.
he software selection level: there is only need for a single configuration and diagnostic tool.
Up to now this revolutionary concept was only available under MS operating systems
Now Cogent is the first to offer it under QNX, distributed by SWD.

2701.422 Hilscher Verbindungs-Interface HIL-AIF104-DPS-DIAG-25, PC/104 Profibus/Diagnose 25cm Flachbandkabel
2700.401Hilscher Verbindungs-Interface PC/104 Profibus 15cm Flachbandkabel
2700.405 Hilscher Verbindungs-Interface PC/104 Profibus 20cm Flachbandkabel
2700.402 Hilscher Verbindungs-Interface PC/104 Profibus 25cm Flachbandkabel
2700.403 Hilscher Verbindungs-Interface PC/104 Profibus 35cm Flachbandkabel
2701.401 Hilscher Verbindungs-Interface PC/104 Profibus/Diagnose 15cm Flachbandkabel
2701.401 Hilscher Verbindungs-Interface PC/104 Profibus/Diagnose 15cm Flachbandkabel exchange only
2701.402 Hilscher Verbindungs-Interface PC/104 Profibus/Diagnose 25cm Flachbandkabel
2701.404 Hilscher Verbindungs-Interface PC/104 Profibus/Diagnose 45cm Flachbandkabel
2711.401 Hilscher Verbindungs-Interface PC/104 Profibus/Diagnose 15cm Flachbandkabel rechts