7429.830 Hilscher NXSRC-EIS netX Source Code NetherNet/IP Adapter
7429.860 Hilscher NXSRC-OMB netX Source Code Open ModbusTCP
1610.000 Hilscher NXSTK50-FB netSTICK Fieldbus
1610.100 Hilscher NXSTK50-RE netSTICK Real-Time-Ethernet
1136.000 Hilscher Protocollconverter PKV30-COS CANopen-Slave, ask for availability
1135.000 Hilscher Protocol converter PKV30-DNS DeviceNet-Slave, obsolete, out of produktion, ask for availability
1132.000 Hilscher Protocollconverter PKV30-DPS Profibus-DP-Slave, ask availabilty
1132.000 Hilscher Protocollconverter PKV30-DPS Profibus-DP-Slave refurbished 12 months warranty, ask availabilty
1132.000 Hilscher Protocollconverter PKV30-DPS Profibus-DP-Slave refurbished 24 months warranty, ask availabilty
1133.000 Hilscher Protocollconverter PKV30-IBS Interbus-Slave, obsolete, out of produktion, ask for availability